Saturday, May 28, 2011

What is the Muscular System

Myology is the branch of anatomy, which describes the muscular system, its components, structure & functions. it forms the flesh of the flesh of the body, which fives the body strength & helps for locomootion (movement).
The muscular system functions in close relation with the skeletal system & sometime regarded as one system called musculoskeletal system.
Muscles are composed of muscle fibers & grossly of three types:

1, Smoth muscles (Visceral muscle) are involuntary, present in the wall of GIT, blood vessel & other internal organs that are innervated by autonomic nervous system.

2, Cardiac muscle or involuntary, present in the heart only. it has a special property that it can produce its own impulses through SA & AV nodes & also innevated by autonomic nervous system.

3, Skeletal muscle or striated muscles are voluntary, present in relation with skeleton, which give the fleshy appearance of the body &  are innervated by somatic nerve.The body has about 656 skeletal muscle (i.e. muscles attached to skeleton) Muscles account for about 42% of weight in males & 36% in females.
Some Common Disease
1, myositis – is inflammation of muscles.
2, Muscular atrophy – is muscle degeneration leading to its becoming smaller & weaker.
Back pain, Dental pain,
Postoperative pain,
Pharyngotonsilitis pain,
Dysmenorrhoea, Frozen Shoulder (chronic pain ful stiffness), Otitis, etc.


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