Monday, May 30, 2011

What is the skeletal system

Anatomy: Is the study of the structure of the body.

Skeletal System
Osteology is the branch of anatomy that describes the structure & functions of the human skeletal system. the adult human skeletal system is composed of 206 bones, numerous ligaments & cartilage, the skeleton is the bony framework that gives shape of the body by making joints with each other provides attachment of the muscles & tendons & tendons & protects the vital organs from external injury.
Skeleton: Bone & cartilaginous framework of the body.

Bone: Are the strong & hardly structure. Most of the bones are hollow & contains bone marrow, which produces red blood cells & white blood cells also a great reservoir of calcium ions.

Ligament – a white fibrous connective tissue that links two bones together at a joint.
cartilage - a dense connective tissue composed of a matrix produced by cells called chondroblasts, embedded in the matrix as chondrocytes, white or gray color.
Tendon – a fibrous connective tissue that attach a muscle to a bone.
Joint – It may be defined as union of two or more bones or cartilages in a particular point of capsule. Joints are of three types –

  1. Fibrous joints – Fixed joints, e.g. joints of skull bones.
  2. Cartilaginous joints – Slightly movable joints, e.g. intervertebral joints.
  3. Synovial Joints – Freely movable joints, e.g. elbow joints.

Organs of Skeletal System: Human skeleton consists of 206 bones –
  1. Skull – 29 (facial – 14 Cranial – 14, Hyoid – 1)
  2. Vertebrae – 26 {Cervical-7, Thoracic- 12, Lumberus-5, Sacrum-1(5), Coccyx-1(5),Coccyx-1(4)}
  3. Upper limbs – 26 {Clavicle-1,Scapula-1, Humerus-1,Ulna-1, Radius-1,Carpal-8,Metacarpals-5,Phalanges-14)
  4. Lower limbs – (Hipbone-1,Femur-1,Tibia-1,Fibula-1,Patella-1,Tarsal-7,Metatarsal-5,Phalanges-14)\
  5. Sternum – 1
  6. Ribs – 24
Common Disorders:
  1. Pain & Inflammation _ Redness, Temperature, Swelling, Loss of function.
  2. Fracture – a complete or incomplete structure breaks or crack in the normal Continuity of a bone.
  3. dislocation – total disruption of joint.
  4. Sprain – Injury to ligaments or joint capsule.
  5. Tendonitis – Inflammation of tendon.
  6. Osteomylitis – Infection of tissue of bone as well as bone marrow.
  7. Spondylitis – Inflammation involving the vertebral column.
  8. Osteoporosis – A state of decreased bone mass.
  9. Arthritis – Inflammation of joint, Osteoarthritis (inflammation of joint surface), arthritis (destructive changes insynovial membrane)


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