Saturday, June 18, 2011

What is Microbiology

Microbiology: is the study of living organism of microscopic size (Microorganisms).

Microorganisms are minute living body not perceptible to the naked eye, e.g. bacteria

Classification of microorganisms:
microbiology consists of five groups of organisms-

1. Bacteria
2. Virus
3. Protozoa
4. Algae
5. Fungi

Living cells are divided into two major types –
Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes, on the basis of their genetic organization.

1. In prokaryotes the DNA is free in the cytoplasm.
2. Prokaryotic cell do not contain membrance–bound organelles such as mitochondria or chloroplasts, as eukaryotes do.
3. Bacteria (including the blue green “algae”) are prokaryotes.

Eukaryotes: Definite nucleus in the cell i.e. nucleus surrounded by membrane.

1. Higher organisms together with microorganisms such as fungi, algae and protozoa are eukaryotes.
2. In eukaryotes the genetic information is separated from the rest of the cell in a membrane bound compartment – the nucleus.
3. Eukaryotic cells contain several membrane – bound organelles and membrane systems.


Shawon32Ph said...

Nice work!

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